This year, Knepp Castle Estate offered the Club use of the facility there until the end of October and the Licence permits that until Sunday 29th October.
Whilst it is probably better to move indoors to BBHLC on Sundays, because the light outdoors tends to fade very early now (and Steve Allen has advised that we do so) and to move indoors at the Andrew Hall, Shipley, on Wednesdays which we shall do from Wednesday 4th October (7.30pm – 9.30pm) I know that some Members would like to continue shooting outdoors at Knepp whist that is possible.
If you wish to do that, remember that the weather is becoming more inclement ̶ last Wednesday, 24th September, was a wash-out, for example ̶ and you may find that your planned session(s) will be ‘rained off’. In any case, if you go to Knepp, kindly follow these Rules for safety and the protection of the individual: ̶
- start earlier (say, 4.00pm) because it is dark by 7.30pm and I recommend that you finish no later than 6.30pm;
- let me know (I will do my best to be there, at least for part of the time, but cannot guarantee that);
- there must be at least two experienced archers shooting – no one may shoot alone so that no individual is without support or aid in case of an accident or other incident and so that each has a chaperon. (Anyone choosing to disregard this Rule will almost certainly be uninsured);
- the shooting area must be roped off as usual;
- one archer must take charge as Field Captain, record attendance and collect the usual fee (£3 for Members, £5 for visiting archers on production of a valid Archery GB Membership Card) if the event is not ‘rained off’. The Registration Form for this is on a clipboard that is kept in the shed.
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