The Club has arranged continuation of its agreement with Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre to shoot indoors there on Sundays (beginners 4.00pm until about 5.15pm and experienced archers from about 5.15pm – 6.30pm) from Sunday 1st October until Sunday 25th March 2018 inclusive, normally.
We have been told by BBHLC that there are some Sundays on which The Tube will not be available until later:
- Sunday 8th October, ‘The Tube’ is not available for our use until 5.00pm and so archery on that date will be from 5.00pm – 7.30pm;
- Sunday 15th October, The Tube is not available until 5.30pm and so archery on that day will be from 5.30pm until 8.00pm;
- 7th January 2018, The Tube is not available until 5.00pm
- 11th March 2018, The Tube is not available until 5.00pm
Whilst I will try to remind you of this nearer the time, I’d be grateful if you would note these changes.
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